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Basic Information


The eldest sister of a veritable tribe of eight Vieran sisters, she gave up her chance at leadership in her Village to stand by her sister's forced exile. Bitter and lost at the loss of everything she had built her life to, she throws herself into the opulent and gaudy luxury of the Gold Saucer, gambling and whoring so that she has a reason to hate herself instead of her sister. 

Gullblad Sjokolade


RP Hooks


Zable Kynbiir

  • Gullblad is seen most often in the Gold Saucer. Most of the time she loiters and people-watches, enjoying the frolicking and joyous enthusiasm of the other guests. 

  • Gullblad is significantly taller than most Viera, standing several fulms taller that even the tallest Roegadyn. 

  • ​Gullblad currently holds a residence in the La Noscena residential District, The Mist, and shares her home with her seven sisters. 

    • Prior to this, Gullbad and her sisters were known to have lived in one of the apartment complexes offered to citizens in Kugane. ​

  • Though she has not been seen there of late, Gullbad did used to live in Kugane, and would spend a large amount of time at the Hostelry.

Age: 354

Nameday: Unknown, but all the Sjokolade Sisters celebrate their birthday on the same day,
1st Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
(May 1st)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She / Her

Race: Viera

Clan: Rava

Height: 6'10" (269cm)

Hair: Gold, and seems to have glitter in it.

Eyes: Golden-yellow

Hand: Right-handed

Scent: Clove, Toasted Sugar

Visible Characteristics: Skin is a deep rich chocolate-brown in color. She has a heart-shaped mark under the corner of her left eye, colored gold. She has a preference of wearing gold-colored clothing. She always seems to be covered in a light sprinkling of glitter. Her ears are adorned with multiple pieces of jewelry. 

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